Friday, August 21, 2009

Official Forbidden & Limited Lists Discussion

Here are our thoughts on the new ban list. We forgot to mention Demise =\.

Friday, August 7, 2009

V's Ban List

I promised you all that I would post my thoughts on the September 1st Ban List. Note that this list is what I would WANT to have happen, not what think will happen. You can see that I am certainly biased against/towards certain decks. Some of the picks I make obviously affect other choices. For example, the banning Card of Safe & Brionac allows Mezuki to two.

  1. Dark Strike Fighter - high attack for 7 star, allows for mindless OTKs.
  2. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary - bounce, bounce, bounce, game.
  3. Crush Card Virus - kills your most powerful monsters for 3 turns.
  4. Card of Safe Return - affects a lot of cards on the ban list, and generates card advantage too easily.

  1. Rescue Cat - screw synchro cat and rescue glads.
  2. X-Saber Airbellum - the reason synchro cat/glads can exist.
  3. Judgment Dragon - too powerful, easy summoning, low cost.
  4. Mind Control - synchro power is getting out of control.
  5. Gladiator Beast War Chariot - searchable, recyclable, costless.
  6. Ally of Justice - Catastor - game has too much dark support
  7. Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind - way too good of a tuner

  1. Mezuki - with Brionac/CoSR banned this can work at 2.
  2. Black Whirlwind - it's basically a Stratos every turn >_>

  1. No changes.

Now I didn't put Charge of the Light Brigade on here because it won't be released in Japan until after the list comes out. I'm not sure about their policy of restricting TCG exclusives, but it's definitely a card that merits limiting if they decide to touch it before OCG release.