Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tournament Report - Updated Gemini City

I've been tweaking the Gemini City deck to fit this format, and I think I've finally found a build that works well for the March 2010 format. I make a quick side deck, so I hope all goes well for the coming tournament.

Round 01: V vs. Gladiator Beast
Prematch Thoughts - I've hated Glads ever since I started playing again because they beat up on my poor Dark Gaia OTK Deck =\. Testing showed me that Games 02/03 vs Glad are probably going to be my biggest issues (Dust, Trap Stun, Cold Wave, etc.), so I'm already planning ahead for that.
Game 01 - I get Drain early, and he has a hard time around it. He falls into my Stardust Road (wasn't expecting it), and I win from there.
Game 02 - He plays Cold Wave. I chain Spark to destroy his Bestiari, but he's able to Tiger out a Darius and Gyzarus me. I'm kind of pissed here because that's the first time I've ever lost a game with the deck.
Game 03 - He lets me build up a huge set up, so that he can win off of a set Trap Stun/Solemn. However, I Bribe his Stun, he Solemns my Bribe, and I Bribe his Solemn to maintain control over the game.

Round 02: V vs. Machina Gadget
Prematch Thoughts - I don't really foresee a problem with this match-up. CyDra, Rai-Oh, Drain, Oppression, etc. stop it all in its tracks.
Game 01 - He has Machina Fortress on the field, but I get Chimeratech off with the help of a Solemn.
Game 02 - Opening Heavy + Chimeratech + Oppression wrecks him.

Round 3: V vs. Blackwings
Prematch Thoughts - I know from testing that Blackwing is this deck's toughest Game 01 match-up since they play well under Drain/Oppression and Icarus is a bitch.
Game 01 - Oppression/Drain don't do shit and Icarus is a bitch >_>.
Game 02 - Consecrated Light/LJM shenanigans work well.
Game 03 - Consecrated Light/Spark/Hero Blast do the trick.

Round 4: V vs. Flamvell Synchro (catless)
Prematch Thoughts - I've never tested against this deck before, so I'm pretty excited about it. I expect Drain/Spark/Oppression/etc. to do well here.
Game 01 - I start off with a set Drain, he T-sets, I summon CyDra and flip Drain before attacking into Ryko. Hero Blast/Spark do the trick against Dog/Spy/etc.
Game 02 - He dusts my Oppression, summons Catastor with 2 backrow. I Heavy, Chimeratech out, and win from there.

Well that was a fun tournament. I'll have to make sure to be better prepared for Glads and Blackwings if I take this deck to a regional. Also, I didn't pull a holo in my Turbo Packs. I'm almost positive this store scales them >_>. By the way if you're interested in running this deck at locals/regionals/SJC/etc. please be sure to tell me because I'm very interested in how it runs for you.

Going undefeated with Gemini City again
Surprise Storm in the side
Double Cyber Dragon
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
Consecrated Light
Dark Bribe

Scaled Turbo Packs

1 comment:

  1. Dude this deck is awesome I am a fan of little city do you have Thunder Kings to spare?/ What would u want fir them??
